Apples - yellow, red and green,
we bob for apples at Halloween.
Apple juice and apple pie,
applesauce is fun to try.
Crunchy apples - have a bite!
A slice of apple is pure delight.
Luscious grapes grow by the bunch.
Grapes are easy to pack for lunch.
In an arbor, on a vine,
red or green, they taste just fine.
Some have seeds, but others don't.
Turn down a grape? I know I won't!
You know what I think is most fun?
Just sit and eat them, one by one.
3. Peach
Hey children, don't you want to try,
A fuzzy tennnis ball like I?
Beneath my somewhat woolly skin,
You'll find I'm sweetness deep within.
Home in the south I'm warm as toast.
I don't like cold, I'd rather roast.
At my birth I was Chinese.
There my fruit blossoms on peach trees.
4. Big Green Bananas
I walked through the jungle
And what did I see?
Big green bananas
Hanging on a tree.
I chopped down a bunch
And set them in the sun.
When they turned yellow,
I ate every one!
5. I'm a juicy orange
I'm a juicy orange
Round as can be.
A big juicy orange
Hanging on a tree.
If you want some juice
Just pick me,
Poke in a straw
And squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!
Watermelon, watermelon
Rolling down the street.
Watermelon, watermelon
Stopped at my feet.
I put him in my wagon
And took him home.
I hoped he liked it
And wouldn't try to roam.
My mother was delighted
My father was too.
He was the guest of honor
At our family barbecue!
7. Strawberries
Pick them in the summer sun,
Strawberries are my favourite one,
Pile them up and fetch the cream,
Juicy strawberries, what a dream!
8. Fruit salad
5 red apples on the tree,
1 for you and 4 for me!
5 yellow bananas on the tree,
2 for you and 3 for me!
5 purple plums on the tree,
3 for you and 2 for me!
5 green pears on the tree,
4 for you and 1 for me!
5 orange apricots on the tree,
5 for you and 0 for me!
Citeste si: Sa invatam limba engleza-10 jocuri si activitati pentru copilul tau
9. Rainbow 
Red is a strawberry,
Orange is an orange,
Yellow is a lemon,
Green is a pear,
Blue is a a blueberry,
Purple is a grape!
Citeste si: Cum invatam culorile in limba engleza
10. One, Two, Three, Four
One, two, three, four,
Mary at the cottage door.
Five, six, seven, eight,
Eating cherries from a plate.
Pana, Vali, Spoken English for Children, Ploiesti, 1997