To the Farm
Horses, donkeys, cows that moo,
Chickens, kittens, piglets too,
Fish that swim down in the pond,
Ducklings quacking all day long.
All these animals you can see
If you go to the farm with me.

All Around the Barnyard
All around the barnyard
The animals are fast asleep.
Sleeping cows and horses,
Sleeping pigs and sheep.
Here comes the cocky rooster
To sound his daily alarm.
Wake up sleepy farm!"

Ten fluffy chickens
Five eggs and five eggs,
(Hold up two hands)
That makes ten;
Sitting on top is the Mother Hen.
(Fold one hand over the other)
Crackle, crackle, crackle;
(Clap three times)
What do I see?
Ten fluffy chickens
(Hold up 10 fingers)
As yellow as can be.

Eight Baby Pigs
Two mother pigs lived in a pen (thumbs)
Each had four babies and that made ten (fingers of both hands)
These four babies were black and white (fingers of one hand)
These four babies were black as night (fingers of the other hand)
All eight babies loved to play (wiggle fingers)
As they rolled and rolled in the mud all day! (roll hands)

Five Little Ducks
Five little ducks went in for a swim. (Hold up hand, extend fingers.)
The first little duck put his head in. (Point to each finger in turn.)
The second little duck put his head back.
The third little duck said, "Quack, quack, quack."
The fourth little duck with his tiny brother
Went for a walk with his father and mother. ("Walk" fingers up opposite arm)

Farm Counting Poem
One, two,
Cows moo.
Three, four,
Sheep snore.
Five, six,
Pig tricks.
Seven, eight,
Horse gate.
Nine, ten,
A big fat hen.

Sheep Poem
Sheep are quiet,
Sheep are cute.
Sheep give wool
to make a suit.

Behold the pig!
It's very big!
Its color pink
Is nice, I think!
Its tail's a beauty,
So curly cute!
And on the farm,
It oinks with charm!

On the farm
Here is the piggy snout;
(Hold up thumb)
He'd better stop eating, or his tail will pop out!
Here is busy Mother Hen;
(Hold up pointer finger)
She likes to scratch for her chickens ten.
Here is patient, friendly cow;
(Hold up middle finger)
She's eating hay from a big haymow.
Here is Baa-Baa, a wooly sheep;
(Hold up ring finger)
Her wool keeps me warm while I am asleep.
Here is funny, fuzzy cat;
(Hold up little finger)
She likes to chase a mouse or rat.
(Move fingers to imitate a running cat)

Our Billy Goat
Our naughty little billy goat
Nibbled at our vine.
Thought he'd try the taste of grapes
Found he liked them fine.
Grandma chanced to see him
But she only gave a smile
Thought she'd chase the billy goat
In a little while.

Surse poze: