1. Leaves are floating
Leaves are floating
softly down;
Some are red and
some are brown.
The wind goes "swish"
through the air;
When you look back,
there are no leaves there.
2. Fall
When the leaves
Are on the ground,
Instead of the trees,
I like to make
a pile of them
Way up to my knees!
3. Falling Leaves
Little leaves fall softly down
Red and yellow, orange and brown
Whirling, twirling round and round
Falling softly to the ground
Little leaves fall softly down
To make a carpet on the ground.
Then, swish, the wind comes whistling by
And sends them dancing to the sky.
4.Autumn leaves 
Red leaves and yellow leaves
Orange leaves and brown,
Leaves are dancing everywhere
Happily dancing down.
5.An Autumn Greeting
"Come," said the Wind to the Leaves one day.
"Come over the meadow and we will play.
Put on your dresses of red and gold.
For summer is gone and the days grow cold."
October's the month
When the smallest breeze
Gives us a shower
Of autumn leaves.
Bonfires and pumpkins,
Leaves sailing down -
October is red
And golden and brown.
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7. Pumpkin Poem
When all the cows were sleeping
And the sun had gone to bed,
Up jumped the pumpkin,
And this is what he said:
I'm a dingle dangle pumpkin
With a flippy floppy hat.
I can shake my stem like this,
And shake my vine like that.
I like brooms all bristly,
To sweep the leaves away
Into tidy heaps and make
The garden trim and gay!
I like whisking up and down
The pathway in the sun,
On an autumn afternoon
I think brooms are fun!
9. Autumn
The leaves are falling
one by one.
The sunny days will soon be gone.
Yellow, orange, brown and green,
the colours of Autumn can be seen.
The wind, the rain,
the sun shines through,
It's colder now
for me and you.
10. Autumn is here
Autumn is here, my dear,
Put on your coat and hat.
Big bears begin their nap,
Brown leaves fall in your lap.
Autumn is here, my dear,
Eat up your pumpkin pie!
Birds fly south in the sky,
Autumn is here, my dear!
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