Easter Everywhere
Rabbits soft and cuddly
Baby chickens, too.
Easter eggs for baskets
White and pink and blue.
Easter cards of greeting,
Music in the air,
Lilies just to tell us
It's Easter everywhere.

The Easter Bunny's feet
Go hop, hop, hop,
While his big pink ears
Go flop, flop, flop.
He is rushing on his way
To bring our eggs on Easter Day,
With a hop, flop, hop, flop, hop.

Mr. Bunny
Mr. Bunny, Mr. Bunny,
Won't you stop, stop, stop?
"No,"said Mr. Bunny,
I must hop, hop, hop.
Easter is coming, and there is lots to do.
Eggs must be colored green, pink, and blue.
I'll tie each basked with a pretty bow.
Children are waiting so I must go!"

Bunny, Bunny
Bunny, white bunny (Place pointer fingers beside head)
With ears so tall.
And your two pink eyes
And a mouth so small. (Make O with mouth)
Wiggle goes one ear. (Wiggle one finger)
Wiggle goes the other. (Wiggle other finger)
Hop, hop, hop, hop home to your mother! (Hop away in four hops)

I Had an Easter Bunny
I had an Easter bunny. (Hold up one finger)
One day she ran away. (make fingers "run")
I looked for her by moonlight. (Hand shading eyes)
I looked for her by day.
I found her in the meadow
With her babies 1, 2, 3.
So now I have four rabbit pets
To run and jump with me!

Easter Surprise
Easter eggs,
Yellow and blue,
Easter eggs,
For me and you.
Easter eggs,
Candy sweet,
Easter eggs,
Are yum to eat.
Easter eggs,
Pretty and funny,
But... where is the Easter Bunny?

Easter Eggs
Easter eggs, Easter eggs
Hidden all around.
Come my children look about
And see where they are found.
Easter eggs, Easter eggs
They're a sight to see.
One for her and one for him
And a special one for me!

The Easter Egg
I take an egg
All shiny white
And then I dip
It out of sight.
I leave it there
Within the cup
Then after a minute
I pick it up.
And oh!
It's a lovely
Shade of green!
The prettiest Easter egg
I've ever seen.
Spots and stripes,
Very bright,
Easter Eggs are alike.
Here he comes!
He might be funny,
It is the Easter Bunny.

Some Things That Easter Brings
by Elsie Parrish
Easter duck and Easter chick,
Easter eggs with chocolate thick.
Easter hats for one and all,
Easter Bunny makes a call!
Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things.
