Winds Of March
Winds of March, we welcome you,
There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the winter cold away.
April is a rainbow month,
Of sudden springtime showers.
Bright with golden daffodils
and lots of pretty flowers.
Spring makes the world a happy place
You see a smile on every face.
Flowers come out and birds arrive,
Oh, isn't it grand to be alive?
Spring Poem
Some days seem like winter,
Some are nice and warm.
Rainy days and windy days,
Maybe it will storm.
Warm or cold or wet or dry,
What will the weather be?
I think Spring is trying to play
Peek-a-boo with me.
April Rain
Dance little raindrop (wiggle fingers)
Tap with tiny feet (tap feet)
The seeds will awaken (pretend to sleep and awake)
When they hear our beat (cup hand over ear)
Grow little seeds (sq
And see the cloudy sky (point to sky)
Buttercups and Daisies
by Mary Howitt
Buttercups and daisies-
Oh the pretty flowers,
Coming ere the springtime
To tell of sunny hours.
While the trees are leafless,
While the fields are bare,
Buttercups and daisies
Spring up here and there.
Open the windows and open the door
And let the fresh breezes blow in, blow in.
Jack Frost has gone to his home in the north
And all of a sudden it's Spring!
Days of Spring
The days of spring are here
Warm sunny days are near
Birds in trees, flowers and bees
The days of spring are here.
I Love the Flowers
I love the flowers.
I love the budding trees.
I love the chirping birds.
I love the buzzing bees.
I love the Springtime,
When the sun is warm and bright.
The fields are rich with daffodils,
A coat of clover cloaks the hills,
And I must dance, I must sing
To see the beauty of the Spring.