I've Been Waiting for Christmas
I've been waiting for Christmas,
And it's almost here.
I've been waiting for Christmas,
Santa's getting near.
Can't you hear the sleigh bells ringing?
Reindeer up so high.
Can't you hear the children singing,
As they watch the sky?
When Santa Claus Comes
A good time is coming, I wish it were here,
The very best time in the whole of the year;
I'm counting each day on my fingers and thumbs,
the weeks that must pass before Santa Claus comes.
Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down,
And the wind whistles sharp and the branches are brown,
I'll not mind the cold, though my fingers and thumbs,
For it brings the time nearer when Santa Claus comes.
Two merry blue eyes
A very little nose
A long snowy beard
And cheeks like a rose
A round chubby man
A big bulging pack
Hurrah for Old Santa
We're glad he's come back!
Santa Claus
His hair is white,
His suite is red,
He wears a hat to cover his head.
He laughs this way: "Ho!Ho!Ho!"
And drives the sleigh
through sleet and snow.
When Santa Got Stuck
When Santa got stuck up the chimney,
He began to shout-
"You girls and boys won't get any toys,
If you don't pull me out!!!"
My beard is black,
There's soot in my sack,
My nose is tickling too!!!"
When Santa got stuck up the chimney-
"Aaaaachooo, aaaachoo, achoo!"
Santa Claus 
Santa Claus is coming to town
It's snowing all around
He drives his sleigh all through the night
To get us before it's bright.
He delivers presents to
Every single child
Even those not so
Meek and mild.
Wearing a warm red coat
Remembering each and every note
Down the chimney with a smile
After travelling many a mile.
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Santa's Magic Key 
This key is very special, you see,
It won't work for you or me.
Hang it just outside your door,
Go to bed and worry no more.
Close your eyes and close them tight,
'Cause Santa Claus is coming tonight!
Dear Santa,
I was worried as can be,
Since we don't have a chimney.
Mommy said not to worry one bit,
Your magic would make this key fit.
Use this key to unlock the door,
Be sure to tip toe across the floor.
On Christmas day I will wake to find,
All the presents you left behind.
The milk and cookies are a late night snack,
Please enjoy them as you empty your sack.
I am thankful as can be,
Please give Rudolph a kiss from me!
Santa Claus
Little fairy snowflakes
Dancing in the flue;
Old Mr. Santa Claus,
What is keeping you?
Twilight and firelight
Shadows come and go;
Merry chime or sleigh bells
Twinkling through the snow.
Mother's knitting stockings,
Pussy's got the ball.
Don't you think that Christmas
Is pleasantest of all?
Santa is coming
Christmas is here and everyones happy,
Hugs and kisses all over the place,
Rudolph and his big red nose is comimg,
It is shining in the sky.
Santa Claus is bringing presents,
Toys, sweets and lots of fun!
Mornings are cold,
Afternoons too,
Santa is coming, so be good !
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